Monday, March 29, 2010

creeped. nbd.

today, i'm going to blog about someone.
and i hope to GOD, he doesn't find this. (and i don't even believe in god.)
because that would be embarrassing for him. not me, HIM.
because he's a 19 year old.
and i'm 15. just, making that clear.
and most of the time, i can handle the creepiness. just... this guy? it's a little scary.

here's a sample of our conversation (G: guy; K: krisi):

G: sooo, wanna mate?
K: way to try and take advantage of me when in short and tired.

G: i try. i wuv you, krisi.
K: mmhmm.

and then, JUST now:

G: your really nice. would you like to bare my children?

K: i'm 15...
G: but you'll make a wonderful mother.
K: LAWL, no i wont. trust.
G: too bad, your already pregnant with my babies, and no amount of science can kill them.

i know, that i am a creepy son of a bitch, but this?
takes my creepy, and eats it for fucking breakfast.
(this just in, he's trying to get me to get skype. his reasoning? it's for our children.)

i'd just like to point out, that being creeped? not so fun.
like, it's fun to a certain point, but he crossed that point a LONG time ago.
he told me once, that he was gonna fuck me so hard, that i wouldn't be able to walk for three weeks.

mmkaii, that's it for today, just a little update on my life, and all the non important nonsense in it.


krisi :)


  1. that bastard is ignoring ur charter rights or somthing, i dont know what it it but it is in there. thank ms. Ford for drilling that in our minds.
